Chest x-rays are a useful way for us to find out if you have any problems with your lungs that might require treatment. You may find there is nothing to be concerned about and an x-ray could put your mind at rest, but if you do have a problem with your lungs that requires some treatment, such as lung cancer, finding it early can make it easier to treat.

Have you had one or more of the following for more than three weeks?:

  • Coughwoman coughing.jpg
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Loss of appetite or weight
  • Chest pain
  • Coughing up blood
  • A lump in the neck

If so, you may be eligible to access the self request chest x-ray service, for which you must also be:

  • Aged 40 or over
  • Registered with a GP in participating areas (currently Leeds GP practices only)
  • Have not had a chest x-ray or chest scan in the last three months

Note: If you are coughing up blood it is very important to contact your GP urgently. You are still able to attend for a chest x-ray. ​​​​If you have any concerns regarding your symptoms, please contact your GP.

How do I use the service?

No appointment is necessary.  Just walk into any of the participating x-ray departments (see below) and ask to use the self-request chest x-ray service.  On arrival, you will be asked to complete a paper form to check you are eligible, before having your chest x-ray.

What happens next?

You will be given information by the health care staff when you attend your chest x-ray including an information leaflet.

How the results of your chest x-ray are shared with you is dependent on the service that you have attended. Following your chest x-ray, the healthcare staff will inform you how your results will be shared with you and/or your GP.

Occasionally the specialist who looks at your chest x-ray may arrange for another test. You will be contacted directly by the hospital to arrange this.

Where is offering a self-request chest x-ray service?

At this point in time, self-request chest x-ray services are currently only available for patients registered with a Leeds GP practice. 

Simply click on the link below which will take you to the service web page and contains information on where and when the service is available.

Leeds self-request chest x-ray service

It is essential that you contact your GP to discuss your symptoms and find out the results of your chest x-ray.

A chest x-ray does not reliably identify all serious conditions.  If you have been coughing up blood, or if you have persistent or worsening symptoms, please contact your GP or NHS 111