Publish date: 11 December 2023
Cancer Alliance Board: lay member vacancy
We're looking for an enthusiastic and committed individual to ensure the patient perspective is at the heart of our Cancer Alliance Board decision-making as we transform the care and support for people affected by cancer across West Yorkshire and Harrogate.
Cancer Alliances bring partners together to deliver better clinical outcomes and improved patient experience. We’re ambitious about transforming services so that cancer care, treatment and support is wrapped around each individual patient throughout their entire cancer journey – from awaiting and receiving diagnosis, to treatment options, to discharge where appropriate, end of life care where needed, living with and beyond cancer.
Our Board lay members work alongside representatives of the NHS organisations from our six local communities, local councils, voluntary and community organisations and our charity partners such as Macmillan and Cancer Research UK.
We currently have a vacancy for a lay member. We are looking for someone who is:
- Enthusiastic
- Committed to improving care and support for those affected by cancer, including patients, families, friends and those who care for them
- Confident to share the patient and public perspective in Board discussions and other work, and to take part in co-design and production where necessary
- Living in West Yorkshire or Harrogate.
Our Board meetings take place once every two months – currently online via Microsoft Teams - and last approximately two hours.
There will also be an opportunity to get involved in other specific projects and pieces of work. We’ll pay reasonable expenses incurred on Board business.
You should tell us what you would personally bring to the role if you were successful and share any experience you feel would be relevant in the context of the role specification.
This link takes you to the expression of interest form
Use this link to find out more about our Cancer Alliance Board
Click here to read past Board agendas and minutes
Please note that this vacancy closed on 2nd January 2024.